Kayak & Citytrip - Stockholm

Self-guided Kayak & City Trip | 5 days Stockholm | from €1.167,-

Join us on an unforgettable self-guided off-grid kayaking adventure through the pristine waters of Sweden. This journey takes you past breathtaking landscapes, peaceful lakes, and charming villages, offering a perfect escape into nature.

Join us on a semi off-grid adventure! This city and self-guided kayak trip in Stockholm is not to be missed.

Discover the beauty of the surroundings around Stockholm from the water, improve your kayaking skills, and enjoy the adventure, tranquility, and self-development that this trip offers.

Travel from all over Europe to Stockholm, where you will spend one night in a small-scale accommodation. The next day, you will be picked up to begin your three-day kayaking adventure. You will receive a comprehensive briefing on how to conduct this self-guided tour, then head out fully equipped with top-quality kayak, camping, and cooking gear. Each day will be a unique experience. Enjoy the peace and serenity as you paddle through breathtaking landscapes.

After this off-grid kayaking adventure, you will spend at least one more night in a small-scale accommodation in the city. Upon request, a wellness accommodation can also be booked, which is perfect after a few days of camping!

This trip is fully customizable around the basic package.

Is going fully off-grid on open waters for several days a bit too adventurous for you? No worries, we also offer several partial group trips with small groups!

The first partial group trip is scheduled from September 11th to September 15th.

The basic package of our Stockholm city and kayak experience offers the perfect balance between urban exploration and tranquility and adventure. This trip can, of course, be fully customized for you!

Day 1 – Arrival and Exploration of Stockholm

Fly or travel by train to Stockholm (from anywhere in Europe). Begin your journey with an overnight stay in a carefully selected small-scale accommodation in Stockholm, where you have the chance to rest and prepare for the upcoming adventure.

Day 2 – Introduction to the Stockholm Archipelago and Kayaking

This is where your kayak adventure truly begins! In the morning, you’ll be picked up and taken to the kayak center. You will be welcomed with Swedish Fika (drink & snack) by our certified wilderness and kayak guides. After a brief introduction and trip briefing, you’ll step into stable kayaks and set course eastward, towards the uninhabited islands of the archipelago.

Spend the afternoon paddling between the islands, accompanied by the sounds of sea waves and birds. The day ends at a beautiful campsite where you’ll prepare traditional Swedish outdoor food on a camp stove, followed by a well-deserved rest under the starry sky.

Day 3 – Time to Explore

After a refreshing morning swim (read: shower) and breakfast, it’s time to continue your journey. Visit some of the most beautiful nature reserves in the archipelago, such as Hjälmö-Lådna, Möja, or Bullerö. This day offers plenty of opportunities for sunbathing on the cliffs, honing your kayaking skills, and spotting wildlife like the majestic Sea Eagle or the Baltic grey seal. Spend the night at another stunning campsite.

Day 4 – Return to Civilization

By now, you’re getting familiar with your surroundings. While kayaking, take a long lunch break on an island, enjoy an afternoon swim, and a cup of coffee. By late afternoon, you’ll arrive back at the kayak center where you can relax with some snacks, a shower, and perhaps even a sauna to ease your muscles after several days of kayaking. After a debrief with your guide, you’ll be transported back to the city, just in time to relax before dinner and an overnight stay in a small-scale accommodation with wellness facilities.

Day 5 – Sightseeing in Stockholm and Departure

Wrap up your Stockholm experience with a day full of sightseeing before heading back home. This is the perfect opportunity to explore Stockholm’s cultural treasures, from historical monuments to modern museums, before concluding your Swedish adventure and returning home with unforgettable memories.

The indicative price for a 5-day city and self-guided kayak trip starts from €1167.

  • Round-trip transport ticket (train or flight from anywhere in Europe to Stockholm)
  • Arrival stay in Stockholm in small-scale accommodation
  • 3-day self-guided kayak trip including gear and meals
  • Departure stay in Stockholm in small-scale (wellness) accommodation


The trip is fully customized to your preferences. If you wish to stay additional days or have certain activities pre-booked, that is certainly possible. Prices may vary depending on specific wishes, travel period, and availability. For a personalized offer, it is recommended to request a travel proposal.

Kayak & Citytrip - Stockholm








Adventure Awaits on the Water

Kayak Tour on Stockholm's Archipelago

Discover the breathtaking waters of the Stockholm archipelago with our tailor-made kayak tours, carefully curated to showcase the hidden gems of this stunning area. As your dedicated guide to unforgettable adventures, we invite you to experience the serene beauty and peaceful atmosphere of the many islands around Stockholm. Using a kayak as your personal gateway, immerse yourself in pristine nature and enjoy a tranquility like never before.

This tour is not just an adventure but also an educational journey that will raise your awareness about essential themes such as sustainability, the fine art of off-grid travel, and the rich Scandinavian outdoor philosophy. Conscious travellers will appreciate the focus on eco-friendly practices and the opportunity to learn about the local environment.

Opt for the freedom of a self-guided tour, where you take control and set the pace and direction, supported by our expert advice and detailed maps. Alternatively, let one of our experienced guides lead you to secluded gems known only to locals. In either case, it promises to be an unforgettable experience, embracing the charm of wild camping and kayaking amid one of the most picturesque landscapes Sweden, and perhaps Europe, has to offer.

For solo travellers and travel buddies alike, this tour is a tribute to freedom, nature, and the endless possibilities that arise when you choose to leave the beaten path and carve out your own unique adventure. Discover the magic of Stockholm’s archipelago with Life of Gini, and let the water be your guide.

Aerial view of a kayak adventure in Stockholm, highlighting solo travel and travel buddies with Life of Gini
Kayak 2

Adventure Awaits on the Water

Kayak Tour on Stockholm's Archipelago

Discover the breathtaking waters of the Stockholm archipelago with our tailor-made kayak tours, carefully curated to showcase the hidden gems of this stunning area. As your dedicated guide to unforgettable adventures, we invite you to experience the serene beauty and peaceful atmosphere of the many islands around Stockholm. Using a kayak as your personal gateway, immerse yourself in pristine nature and enjoy a tranquility like never before.

This tour is not just an adventure but also an educational journey that will raise your awareness about essential themes such as sustainability, the fine art of off-grid travel, and the rich Scandinavian outdoor philosophy. Conscious travellers will appreciate the focus on eco-friendly practices and the opportunity to learn about the local environment.

Opt for the freedom of a self-guided tour, where you take control and set the pace and direction, supported by our expert advice and detailed maps. Alternatively, let one of our experienced guides lead you to secluded gems known only to locals. In either case, it promises to be an unforgettable experience, embracing the charm of wild camping and kayaking amid one of the most picturesque landscapes Sweden, and perhaps Europe, has to offer.

For solo travellers and travel buddies alike, this tour is a tribute to freedom, nature, and the endless possibilities that arise when you choose to leave the beaten path and carve out your own unique adventure. Discover the magic of Stockholm’s archipelago with Life of Gini, and let the water be your guide.

Aerial view of a kayak adventure in Stockholm, highlighting solo travel and travel buddies with Life of Gini
Kayak 2
Stockholm 2
Stockholm 1

A Blend of History and Modernity

Citytrip Stockholm

Stockholm, the sparkling capital of Sweden, situated at the meeting point of Lake Mälaren and the Baltic Sea, is a city where history and modernity blend in perfect harmony. Spread across fourteen islands, each with its own unique character and charm, this city offers an unforgettable urban experience amidst natural beauty. From the cobbled streets and colorful facades of Gamla Stan, the heart of the old town, to the avant-garde architecture and thriving culinary scene in modern districts like Södermalm and Norrmalm, Stockholm is a melting pot of cultures and eras.

The city exudes an air of sophistication, with its world-class museums such as the Vasa Museum and the Moderna Museet, picturesque parks like Djurgården, and royal palaces that testify to a rich history and a deep-rooted love for art and design. For solo travellers and travel buddies alike, Stockholm offers a diverse range of experiences that cater to all interests.

A city trip to Stockholm is like flipping through a beautifully illustrated storybook, with each chapter taking you on a new journey of discovery. It is a city that invites you to get lost in its enchanting streets, relax in its green oases, and be surprised by its innovative cuisine that reinvents Swedish traditions. Conscious travellers will find inspiration in Stockholm’s commitment to sustainable living, evident in its environmental consciousness and the integration of green spaces into city life.

Whether you seek cultural enrichment, gastronomic adventures, or simply want to savor the atmosphere of a city that is both historic and forward-thinking, Stockholm welcomes you with open arms and promises to leave an indelible impression. Discover the magic of Stockholm with Life of Gini and immerse yourself in the unique blend of history and modernity that defines this vibrant city.

Kayak & Citytrip - Stockholm




Sun & Surf Safari Zakynthos

I booked a fantastic Sun & Surf Safari to Zakynthos through Life of Gini who arranged everything seamlessly. From a smooth parking experience at Schiphol Airport to a comfortable flight, the journey began well. My accommodation was perfectly located with a beautiful view of the sea and the turtle island. The highlights were the boat ride and the delicious food, especially the fresh octopus at Windmill restaurant. In short, a perfect mix of relaxation and adventure, all thanks to the excellent organization of Life of Gini
Blue Cave in Zakynthos, Greece with clear turquoise water


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Signature Strenghts

Why Life of Gini

Life of Gini specialises in solo travellers and travel buddies. We want you to feel empowered on your journeys. Not ready to travel solo? No worries, we also cater to conscious travellers seeking the same sense of empowerment!
Feel welcome and safe, regardless of your background. Life of Gini prioritises your comfort and safety at every step. This way, you can explore the world with confidence and enjoy a carefree travel experience.
Escape the beaten path. Embrace slow, conscious travel instead of rushing through a checklist. Experience destinations with the depth and authenticity they deserve, fostering meaningful connections with local communities and cultures.
Travel with peace of mind knowing you are contributing to a greener planet. We choose sustainable options and support local communities, so your adventure goes hand in hand with caring for the world.

Solo Reizen & Reismaatjes

Life of Gini specialiseert zich in solo reizigers en reismaatjes. We willen dat je je krachtig voelt tijdens je reizen. Niet klaar om alleen te reizen? Geen zorgen, we richten ons ook op bewuste reizigers die hetzelfde gevoel van empowerment zoeken!

Veiligheid & Inclusie

Voel je welkom en veilig, ongeacht je achtergrond. Life of Gini geeft prioriteit aan jouw comfort, veiligheid en inclusie in elke stap. Zo kun je met vertrouwen de wereld verkennen en genieten van een zorgeloze reiservaring.

Bewust & Verbonden

Ontsnap aan de gebaande paden. Omarm langzaam, bewust reizen in plaats van haastig een checklist af te werken. Ervaar bestemmingen met de diepgang en authenticiteit die ze verdienen, en bevorder betekenisvolle connecties met lokale gemeenschappen en culturen.

Duurzaam & Eerlijk Toerisme

Reis met gemoedsrust, wetende dat je bijdraagt aan een groenere planeet. Wij kiezen voor duurzame opties en ondersteunen lokale gemeenschappen, zodat jouw avontuur hand in hand gaat met zorg voor de wereld.


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