GINI's corporate social responsibility

Green Travel

Travel is not sustainable...

At Life of Gini, we recognize that travel in its traditional form is rarely fully sustainable, especially when considering its ecological impact. Every trip inevitably involves some footprint. However, we believe it is possible to mitigate this impact while delivering meaningful impact to local economies and communities. Working with predominantly local partners who share our values of sustainability, we favor small-scale activities that not only support the local economy, but also minimize the impact on the natural environment.

Our approach strives to transform travel into a force for positive change. We focus on creating authentic experiences that respect and value local cultures and traditions. These carefully chosen activities are designed to minimize ecological impact while also maximizing economic benefits to local communities. By choosing sustainable practices and respectful interactions, we encourage deeper cultural understanding and appreciation, which not only enriches the personal development of our travelers, but also leaves a lasting impact on the communities visited.

At Life of Gini, sustainability is at the heart of every adventure. We are dedicated to creating travel experiences that are not only unforgettable, but also have a positive impact on the world!


How do we contribute?

Different transport types

Offering different types of transportation

Life of Gini works hard to make travel as sustainable as possible. So too in the type of transportation. Did you know that you can get anywhere within Europe pretty easily by train?

Local accommodations

Collaborating with local accommodations

We work primarily with small-scale local accommodations and will offer most trips outside the high seasons to avoid mass tourism.

Local activities

Collaborate with local activity providers

We offer mainly local activities, which means that most of the activities are organized by the locals of the destination. However, for some of our trips, we also have collaborations with small businesses. Our condition for this is that these companies are small-scale and located within the EU.

Invest & Donate

Life of Gini strives to invest and donate a portion of its profits to local initiatives. However, we are currently still in the start-up phase so our contribution in this will be limited for now. But once the company makes more profit, we certainly want to strive to make a big social impact!


What can you do?

Consider necessity of your trip

Is it really necessary to travel four times a year? By plane? Are there other alternatives to do this or can you adjust your travel budget so you can travel with a more sustainable alternative?

Consider taking the train as well

If the destination allows, prefer the train or other forms of public transportation to air travel. This can significantly save in CO2 emissions. Within Europe, train travel is free. Do count on additional costs and longer travel time if necessary.

Eat, do and buy local

Choose local eateries that use regional products, participate in authentic local activities and buy products that are locally produced. This promotes the local economy, reduces transportation emissions and enriches your travel experience through real cultural insights.

Collective effort

We at Life of Gini see sustainability as a shared responsibility. It is important to recognize that not every trip can be fully sustainable and that your travel budget plays a role in the decision-making process. So it’s okay if you sometimes choose a less sustainable option for practical reasons. What matters is the intention to make conscious choices whenever possible and to strive for continuous improvement in our travel behavior.

Together we can make a difference, one step at a time, towards a more sustainable future for all.

Person crossing a suspension bridge in the mountains, symbolizing adventure travel



GINI creates purposeful travel experiences that elevate overlooked communities, such as bicultural individuals, queer travellers, and women, providing safe, representative journeys that offer visibility, respect, and empowerment, celebrating the value of true representation in travel.
Through community-focused travel, GINI fosters a sense of belonging, ensuring every traveller feels seen, valued and connected. Our travel experiences build supportive networks, connecting people and cultures, for authentic, life-enriching connections.
GINI crafts inclusive travel experiences that embrace local growth and positive social impact. By partnering with local businesses and communities, we create travel experiences that are representative, culturally enriching, and designed to foster genuine engagement.
Operating on a profit for good model, GINI champions sustainable and fair tourism. Our initiatives actively contribute to social impact goals, supporting equality, reducing inequality, and promoting economic growth within local communities worldwide.

Empowering Overlooked Communities

Inclusieve reiservaringen ontworpen voor over het hoofd geziene gemeenschappen zoals queer biculturele en mensen met toegankelijkheidsbehoeften. Met prioriteit voor veiligheid respect en toegankelijkheid geven we reizigers de kracht om de wereld authentiek en vol vertrouwen te verkennen. Elke reis zorgt ervoor dat iedereen zich verbonden kan voelen kan ontdekken en zich welkom voelt op bestemmingen wereldwijd.

Saamhorigheid en inclusiviteit bevorderen

Een reismilieu creëren dat diversiteit viert, zodat elke reiziger zich gezien en gewaardeerd voelt. Ervaringen bevorderen oprechte connecties en een gevoel van saamhorigheid, met inclusiviteit als leidend principe. Iedereen verdient een plek om vrij te verkennen, zichzelf te zijn en zich volledig geaccepteerd te voelen.

Impactvolle reiservaringen

Betekenisvolle reizen samenstellen die reizigers onderdompelen in lokale culturen en gemeenschappen. Gericht op authentieke ervaringen verbindt elke reis je diepgaand met de mensen en verhalen achter de bestemmingen. Meer dan sightseeing, deze reizen maken impact en verrijken levens en perspectieven onderweg.

Duurzaam & Eerlijk Toerisme

Toegewijd aan milieuvriendelijk, verantwoord toerisme dat lokale gemeenschappen ten goede komt en natuurlijke hulpbronnen behoudt. Door duurzame praktijken te ondersteunen en samen te werken met gemeenschapsgerichte bedrijven geven we prioriteit aan eerlijk toerisme. Gezamenlijk creëren deze inspanningen positieve, blijvende verandering terwijl we de ecologische voetafdruk minimaliseren en wereldwijde verbindingen versterken.


Requesting a travel proposal

Would you like to book an unforgettable trip with Life of Gini? Then click below to request a travel proposal!